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Who We Are (the Unitarian Fellowship of Fredericton)
  The following is taken from the Canadian Unitarian Council website,

We are...

  • a religious community where the binding covenant includes support for the individual in his or her own search for meaning and truth
  • a gathering point for those who reject creeds and dogmas in favour of an open and unfettered exploration of religious traditions
  • a life-affirming religion with values validated in this life, not in some place of future reward or punishment

We welcome you to join us on our religious quest.

If you are looking for a religious community in which to seek spiritual growth...

  • are eager to consider religious questions with people who are not always sure they have the answers
  • would like the fellowship of others for celebration and worship, discussion and education, friendship and mutual support
  • want children to be helped to develop their own religious beliefs
  • wish to preserve and extend the traditions of personal freedom and human dignity

You may find what you are seeking in a Unitarian church or fellowship.

A Liberal Religion

Unitarians share an open-minded and warm-hearted religion. It has been nurtured by the Jewish and Christian heritage, but is not now confined within the limits of any one tradition. We hope we can find channels through which to express the deeper insights of all the historic religions.

No assent to any creed or statement of belief is required by any person joining a Unitarian society. Members accept the obligation to seek out truth for themselves and to follow that truth wherever it may lead. Unitarians affirm the worth of all human beings. They trust people's ability to build their own faith and believe people should be encouraged to think for themselves.

Unitarians recognize that people will differ in their opinions and lifestyles. They hold that these differences should be not only accepted but genuinely supported, for each of us needs freedom to grow in ways that will encourage a similar freedom for all others to reach their own highest potentialities.

This is a church of people. It is for spiritual explorers and free thinkers. It is for people refining their values and parents wanting to teach those values to their children. It is for people who are sure about God, and for those who are not. It is for people who are concerned with injustice and people who are accepting of differences.

Rev. Brian Kiely, Edmonton, Alberta

Reprinted with permission from Canadian Unitarian Council's Web Site


Ours is an ancient faith. The first Unitarian presence in Europe emerged within eight years of Martin Luther's nailing his thesis on the door at Wittenburg in 1525, and within half a century of that date, there were organized Unitarian congregations in Europe.


  • The inherent worth and dignity of every person
  • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
  • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
  • The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large
  • The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all
  • Respect for the interdependant web of all existence of which we are a part
  • Individual and communal action that accountably dismantles racism and systemic barriers to full inclusion in ourselves and our institutions